Saturday, January 13, 2018

The start of a new quilt

I cut out a gob (technical term)  of  light blue 2 inch squares and white 2 inch squares to begin my Rainbow scrap challenge of tokoyo subway by Elizabeth Hartman. I have bought 2 inch grid interfacing with a fusible side to sew these blocks together. I cut them 8x8 on a grid. Since all the blocks contain more than one color, I won't sew them together until I have used all the colors in a block. There were 7 blocks that needed light blue which is January's color.
I used 2 1/2 inch strips from my overflowing drawer.

It was much easier to iron it down with white around as much as I could. The empty spots are for other colors. The pattern comes with a chart/grid to follow which makes it easy to do, a bit like a puzzle only a quilt when I am done.

I have had this quilt on my list for a very long time. I am so glad I found a motivation to make it. The rainbow scrap challenge has really helped me work on projects that are just fun. Otherwise, I just do what I need to do or makes sense. I have the added bonus of using up large piles of scraps that are worthy of a place in a quilt, but not easy to pick up and use.

The rainbow scrap challenge link up is a wonderful inspiration so be sure and check the other quilters' ideas. Next week, I will start the rainbow scrap challenge sampler quilt called squared away. And I have one more Rainbow scrap quilt I hope to do this year called birch trees.

I am linking to
 SewCan She


  1. What a great idea for a scrappy quilt! The pattern looks really intriguing - I'll enjoy following along on your progress.

  2. What a great quilt to make this way. I've seen this and liked it, but thought it too large of an undertaking. Maybe this will make the cut for my RSC next year? (It's all your fault! Ha ha ha)

  3. Off to a great start! Glad you found a manageable way to tackle the subway quilt. It is such a fun pattern.

  4. Great way to use up those scraps and you will have a beautiful quilt in the end!

  5. Best of luck following your Tokyo Subway Map quilt map!!

  6. Beautiful start! It will be a great quilt, I love this Tokyo Subay pattern!

  7. I've heard about the method and it looks like you will have an impressive quilt. Looking forward to seeing the progress. Keep up the good work!
