Monday, January 15, 2018

soap and quilts

With Hubby's job ending soon, we are trying to downsize and make decisions about all the fringe interests. Last month, we concentrated on fiber, we sorted, played, and packed up what we still wanted in our spinning life. We even sold a spinning wheel. yay!  If our new life doesn't have room for spinning then it can all go, but hubby and I really like to spin so we went with the idea that we would still be able.
This month is all about soap. I know I don't want to ever be without my homemade soap, but I no longer want to make for others or spend time dreaming up the perfect soap. Our plan was to use up all the ingredients and pack a few containers with soap that will keep for awhile. Hubby loves my soap too and was very enthusiastic about making soap with me.

 Since the soap is just for us, I was just going to keep it simple, no color, no fragrance, regular bars. But my head started with the silly ideas ( why does it do that?). And I needed to think of something for my visiting teaching ladies. So Snowflakes with peppermint were born. Oh no, if the fun has started then what.

As far as my quilting goes, I have only made a little progress on my turtle quilt. I have made rows, and I like them. Next I need to do the turtle appliques.

My old mystery quilt challenge Carolina Crossroads decision was made about the border fabric, and I did cut it. But that's it.

 my old Christmas Block of the month has more pieces cut and only a few pieced together.

I am linking to:

Making Monday  link in sidebar
main Crush Monday   link in sidebar

boms away   link in sidebar


  1. You seem to have made progress this past week....... Lots of decisions that must have been hard..

  2. My husband just entered retirement too and it is a definite shift of focus and determining which activities will be continued.

  3. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a nice comment, and so exciting to make your own soap. The snowflakes soap are very nice and I think they smell good with peppermint. Great quilt project you are working on. :-)

  4. "Fringe interests" can sure include a lot of different items! Your soap looks nice. Hope fabric meets needle soon in your sewing room.

  5. Now how did I miss that you spin and make soap? Awesome! Such a talented lady! Take good care!

  6. What pretty soaps! That gray for your Carolina Crossroads is gorgeous, as are the pieces for your Christmas BOM.

  7. Thank you for your participation this week at the Show and Tell Monday !! Bambi
