Wednesday, January 11, 2023

snails trail blocks

 I was anxious to start another round for snails trail. I needed to cut more background muslin. I really like the go die for this block. The pieces fit so nicely together.

I have 51 blocks, now. I really like making them. Maybe, I just won't stop. I just work on them as therapy blocks. It helps me to relax to just piece sometimes. They are 8 inch blocks I would need 100 for a queen size quilt.

I  am linking to:


  1. Very pretty blocks! No wonder you find them irresistible! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  2. Very fun and colorful blocks. Sometimes you just need to sit and piece and not worry about finishing UFOs.

  3. I've been collecting shirts so I always enjoy seeing how they are used. Very nice!

  4. How do I sign up to receive your blog by email
