Saturday, December 11, 2021

rainbow scraps in aqua

I have added a new word to my rsc project. I had forgotten how much I like to make letters. I use Lori Holt's alphabet book.

I am trying to prepare for next year and a new rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy project. I want to do strings and crumbs by color so I have started sorting the big bucket into colors. I was afraid  I wouldn't find enough of each color, but, alas, I have plenty. And some have already been sorted into baggies. If I do a little every day, I may have it sorted for the new year.

I have a few easy breezy blocks I made this week. I was doing one every day but now its sporadic with new projects.

I am linking to:


  1. I've been trying to figure out what blocks I want to make for RSC in 2022 as well. String blocks are always a good choice.

  2. I like your letters/words! They'll be fun on the punctuation quilt. I need to get back to work on mine!

  3. Cute letters! Good luck sorting the scraps. I kind of like doing the sorting, but it can be overwhelming, like sorting sand on the beach!

  4. I am SEW looking forward to your Full Stop reveal, Maggie!

  5. That's a good idea with the scraps- I'll have to do that too. My large basket of mixed is overflowing.
