Monday, December 13, 2021

5 quilts december 13

While I am sitting here, our youngest son, who still lives with us, has broken into a round of laughter. I love his laugh and hearing him happy.

My 5 quilts progress report.

1. boho heart -I am trying to concentrate on the blocks and strips I need for the second section of group one. 

2..full stop quilt that Angela is doing for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy.- I made another word in aqua

3. rhododendron mystery - hunter Clue two is half done and ready to finish

4. fish school - this is a year long project for the quiltville leader/ender challenge. I am still sewing the hsts I need for the next round of little fishies.

I used a random number generator again , and this is the project that came up for my empty 5th spot.

5.  minuet mystery -missing instructions. I pulled fabric for it so I counted it as a ufo. I decided since nothing was cut, this is not the time to make it. I pulled it out of the ufo closet and put it in the maybe someday category. And a quick finish of an old ufo

I added the fabric back into the stash

MY  next on the longarm of my own quilts in the 'to be quilted' closet

1. wonky courthouse - hunter - need to piece a back and prepare the binding - on the frame - quilted - trimmed- needs bound

2. hourglass leader ender challenge - hunter - on the frame - quilted - needs to be bound

3, end of the rainbow rsc - on the frame

4. row rainbow rsc

5. gray baby flannel

I am linking:


  1. Laughter is infectious! :o) Great projects and good luck on your to-do's!

  2. I agree - how wonderful it is to hear our children laugh. Your colors for rhododendron mystery are so pretty, and I love that "Boundless" fabric bundle. Your quilting looks great on the Wonky Courthouse!
    Thank you for linking to To Do Tuesday. :)

  3. You certainly have beautiful projects to work on.
    Have a great week!

  4. Fun to see what you're focusing on this week! The fabric pull that you're putting back looks like it will make a pretty quilt of any design.

  5. Oh my goodness so much activity in the sewing room!

  6. Your projects are progressing nicely, Maggie.

  7. I enjoy all the projects you keep up with. (Probably because I always work on several projects at a time too.)
