Wednesday, April 21, 2021

shirt sandwiches

Sew day was Saturday with the guild. I had a new project I was anxious to start, and, I wanted to get the borders on this scrappy shirt quilt. I had started the string/crumb borders on Friday. When I laid the quilt out to measure, and cut the borders, I didn't like them at all. Which was a great reason to switch to my exciting new project. That was just what I needed to think about the borders for a bit, and, realize I just needed to keep going. Often, I don't like something at one stage and find I like it in the end. fingers crossed

After the first borders were attached, I already liked it better. I didn't get the second set done, until, I returned home. But, I knew I would finish. Now, it will live in the " to be quilted" closet.


  1. What a fun way to use up the leftover bits! Love the crumb sections of your blocks.

  2. Love the crumb sections of your blocks! What a fun way to use the leftover bits.

  3. Such a great use of shirts! Love this. I hope you'll share the final photo with all the borders on. Glad you decided to go for it because it looks lovely. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  4. Fantastic top! I would love to have a peak in your flimsy closet!
    Stay safe and sew on !

  5. Super cozy addition to the To Be Quilted closet, Maggie!!

  6. Great looking top! All the scraps and angles make it shimmer

  7. What a fabulous quilt this is turning out to be! And "shirt sandwiches" is such an intriguing name. Like, are they shirts made of bread, lettuce and cold cuts? Or sandwiches wrapped in shirts? :-)

  8. Oh, this is yummy! All those cozy shirt scraps. I really like the border too.
