Wednesday, January 18, 2017

cleaning time

Just as I was about to finish my hourglasses for En Provence, I ran out of bobbin. And there were no more that were prewound. Ugh
I prewind about 5 or 6 bobbins at a time. That way, when there aren't any more, I know it is time for a good cleaning and oiling. My Juki requires a daily dose of vitamin oil. But when the bobbins are gone, it's time to do a better job.

that wasn't too bad, I actually like the cleaning part. I don't like winding bobbins. It seems they have a mind of their own.
After I clean  everything out and replace the table, I need to realign the 1/4 inch guide. I get a little sad about that, especially if I have been sewing with a sweet spot of 1/4 inch.
Then back at it. And done with this step of En Provence. I think I am ready to put the squares together.
I am linking to:
Midweek Makers
Jo's Country Junction UFO
Bee Social


  1. What a great way to remember to clean out the bobbin case.

  2. wow! your project looks great...
    great tip on prewinding bobbins!

    thanks for linking up!

  3. I'm with you, I dislike bobbin winding. I'll wind about 10 at a time just so I don't need to do it for awhile. I'm still working on my BHMQ also. It's slow going, but a little progress is made daily. Love your green and yellows! Looking forward to seeing your finish...wanna race!....LOL!

  4. I do 10 bobbins then clean the machine and change the needle. Keeps things clean and going. You're making great progress on your mystery quilt!

  5. I have no clue how to clean my machine. I should learn since I also have no money to take it the shop for maintenance.

  6. Yep, got to keep up the maintenance! I wind bobbins until there's no more thread on the spool, giving me about 8. Thanks for sharing your tip on Midweek Makers

  7. I do the same, run out of bobbins then clean up the machine. Congrats on getting all those quarter triangles done. They seem to take forever.
