Wednesday, February 1, 2023

one monthly goal - circa 1880

I am tiring of this quilt, again. It has been in time out 2 other times for various reasons. I will make this my February one monthly goal, hoping that the goal will inspire me to stick to it. It began as a swap. The blocks were my one monthly goal for January 2019

I have the border sewn. But it is too tight, so I will need to unpick it, and remeasure, and resew. A tiny set back that has me scratching my head. What happened? I want to quilt and bind by the end of february.

My January summary of PHD ufo progress:

I  am linking to:


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about the border issue with your quilt. That's got to be so frustarating! It looks like it will be one awesome quilt when it's finished.

  2. Sorry about the border mishap! The happy thing about borders is that they signal your quilt is close to a finish. Good luck on your goal this month. You can do this! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  3. I'm sorry about the border. It looks good from here. I hope you can still reach your goal of a February finish.

  4. Hopefully the border issue is a quick fix and you can get back on track with this OMG. You've done well on the PHD this year, 2 finished in the first month is a great start.

  5. Sorry about the border; I'm sure you'll have it completed in no time.
