Saturday, September 29, 2018

feeling blue

I had a chance to catch up with my birch trees quilt from last week and the rainbow scrap challenge.

depending on the color next month, I am ready to start laying this out and deciding what colors I need to make to balance the colors I already have made.

I cut the squared away blocks and took them to Friday group. And then there was trouble with a capital T and it rhymes with turned out wrong. Amid the talking and busyness of the group, I realized I was missing some half square triangles in the accent color. fine.. I will just work with what I had and make a variation. smile.. but, then when I laid it out, I realized it was turned wrong anyway. so I threw it all back in the box and worked on oriental pinwheels. Good to have a backup plan.

At home, I thought I would work on a brand new block and, perhaps, get it right. Which I think I did.
I cut more, and still had to redo parts. I am triangle challenged. I can look right at a picture, see it in my head and turn them around, and this one had me fuddled.

SO one down, one to go, and one to try and save.

I am linking to

Oh Scrap


  1. I love those birch tree blocks! Looking forward to seeing this quilt come together. This month's Squared Away blocks were a little finicky, but I think yours can be saved!

  2. Looks good! You only have to turn a couple of triangles. It's easy to mix those up. Love the birch trees!

  3. I had the same problem! As it turned out, I finally ended up with two to use, plus one variation block that looks great as a potential 2019 quilt block. But I probably will mess up the variation every time I try to piece it. What’s an angle-challenged quilter to do? I feel your pain but love your block!!

  4. The wonderful thing about a sampler quilt is the blocks can be anything you want them to be! I think it will be easy enough to salvage your "unique" block. The rest of your blocks look great. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  5. Last month's Squared Away blocks aren't trivial to lay out. My seam ripper got a work out on the first one, I've been much more careful on the last two.

  6. I actually like your OOPS! block very much. Personally, I would be tempted to leave it in. Challenge viewers to find it in your quilt! :o))
