Saturday, May 7, 2022

green sweet tooth blocks

 I am happy to dig around in my green scraps for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy.  This week I made green crumb blocks and added HSTS to make my sweet tooth blocks. I found this quilt on sane crazy crumby quilt blog here. The crumb centers are 4 1/2 inches with 2 1/2 inch HSTS. So, the side pieces are 2 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches and the top and bottom are  pieces are 2 1/2 x 6 1/2. I think Jenny Doan did a you tube video.

And it was finally plant shopping day. I look forward to this every year. We didn't buy anything we could not eat this time. Our new adventure was a jerusalem artichoke. We had read about this years ago as a potato replacement, so it was a surprise to see a plant for sale after all this time. - just had to have it. The project manager at the greenhouse chased us down to ask us to let him know how it does for us this year. How fun. I am starting a new strawberry bed, so I was glad to get strawberries. We haven't had much luck with strawberries here. But, I love them, and I keep trying.

I am linking to:


  1. Love those sweet tooth blocks - they're such a fun way to use up crumbs! Enjoy your planting today, too!

  2. Good luck with your planting. Hoping that you will be enjoying your artichokes at the end of the season.

  3. What a simple, whimsical and ingenious block. Love it. Makes me want to unwrap a treat.

  4. Very cute crumb blocks! I have usually bought plants (mostly flowers) on Mother's Day weekend. But I think I'll wait one more week this year. We've had a very cold spring, plus we're going to be gone at the end of the week for a family wedding out-of-state, so they would suffer from neglect.

  5. I luv the sweet tooth blocks! I'm growing strawberries for the first time too! there's a mocking bird that beats me to them half the time lol

  6. I love, love, love those sweet tooth blocks! Our weather hasn’t been consistently warm enough here in the Salt Lake Valley to plant yet, even though our garden beds are ready and waiting. We have more “frozen mix” in the forecast for this coming week.

  7. Love your Sweet Tooth blocks! They are so sweet and scrappy. Have fun with your garden this year! What fun. Thanks for sharing with Wednesday Wait Loss.

  8. I love these blocks, you could add just about anything for the candy center. Good luck on your gardening. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.

  9. Sweet GREEN blocks for the RSC, Maggie and best of luck with the new plants!
