Wednesday, July 7, 2021

one monthly goal

 I am a little late setting my goals for July. 

I really want to keep sewing my sea swept sashing blocks - I hope to finish them this month.

I am sneaking in one of my ufo quilts - Aunt Eliza's star -- on to the longarm. I really want to get it quilted this month.

I haven't been spending much time sewing lately. I need to make a list of the next steps needed on my works in progress, and then, I won't just stare at the mess and not know what to do. A list is much more motivating than a mess.

I am linking to:


  1. I've seen a lot of blue/green combination quilts lately. The way you're using this combo in Sea Swept is stunning. Happy quilting! -Andrea

  2. You should definitely finish that star quilt, it's very fun and bright. It is hard when you have so many fun projects going to figure out where to go next. I've learned to just pick a couple and focus on those and put the rest in their project boxes till I can clear something else out. You've got such fun projects in the works it has to be hard to pick and choose what to work on next.

  3. Those sound like good goals, hope you can meet them both, happy stitching!

  4. You just inspired me to clean up one of my messes so I can start working on something! Thanks for sharing your journey on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  5. Any bit of sewing is progress!
