Saturday, June 20, 2020

pink quilty fun

The rainbow scrap challenge for June is pink. I have a dresden plate in pink that I have included this month, along with the projects I try to do each month in the rainbow color.
I made one block for shine using 2 1/2 inch strips.

I made 10 blocks for country roads using  1 1/2 inch strips. I really like these blocks.

We have had a wonderful week of summer weather, sunshine, and not too hot. The garden has been happy, and so has hubby who really likes to be outside. He is still off work for his back surgery recovery. He sees the doctor next week, and He is entertaining the idea of retiring, and, then,  everything could change.

Oh, and I have these done, using the pieces as leader/enders for my other projects. I can't believe how many I get done without planning to get done. I may even get all the blocks I need this month.

My rainbow projects for 2020 with links:
 Irish chain
row by row
scraptastic star
country road

Pink dresden 

I am linking to:

rsc20 super saturday
oh scrap


  1. I think you have the bottom left unit turned on your Shine block. That’s a great pattern for RSC :)

  2. I love all your pink pieces I don't know why I haven't gotten my box of pink out to get busy with - I need to do that soon!

  3. Lovely pink blocks! Pink is one of my most favourite colours!

  4. I like your Country Roads blocks, too. Is that pink John Deere fabric? What fun!

  5. Is the lower left quadrant in the top block rotated the wrong way, or meant to be? Lovely blocks going on here.

  6. Those Dresdens are SEW sweet and I absolutely LOVE the scrap of PINK that you used for the block at the top of the post!!

  7. Leader and ender stitching is wonderful, so much achieved with very little effort!

  8. So much beautiful pink! I too love using leaders & enders. Exactly how I'm getting my Awesome Land blocks done! It's like a bonus project.

  9. Love that pink Dresden! One of these days I'm seriously going to make one!

  10. I am in love with dresdens so those are my favourites of all the pretty blocks you have here in this post. Happy summer stitching from me! And hope hubby is recovering well in the sunshine too.

  11. What a great idea, to have projects made from your 2.5 in. strips and your 1.5 in. strips! I might have to borrow that idea, the strips are starting to take over the sewing room.

  12. I am loving all your pink blocks. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  13. Oh, another idea for 1.5 inch scraps! I hadn't seen that Country Roads block before.
