Thursday, June 4, 2020

more cleaning

To the left of my accuquilt, is a little dresser. And, when I cut for a project, I want to cut for the project, and not fold and put away. I have a bad habit of adding the leftover fabric and pieces that need to be dealt with on the table, until it becomes a mountain.

Big pieces make a big difference in cleaning the spot. I found shirt pieces and frolic mystery fabrics and a scrap basket for odds and ends. I found orphan blocks. The white scraps are from cutting triangles for unity mystery quilt. I end up making a spiderweb of scraps. There are many that are too small, and I throw away, but, If I can find any big enough, they get cut into sizes or are thrown into the crumb bin.

I was able to get these from the webbie pieces

And all better ... for a minute.

I finished the last snowman last night for my rug hooking. I am making a rug using wool strips cut 1/4 inch. Here is a picture of the whole rug. I'm pretty excited to have gotten this far. I have neglected it for some time. Now, it's time to start the background, which will require a lot of cutting, but no real brain work or decisions.

I am linking to:
Oh scrap


  1. I cleaned up my sewing area this week, too! I found a couple of missing fabric pieces. Your rug hooking is amazing.

  2. Congrats on the clean-up! It feels SEW good, doesn't it? I just "found" another square foot of space on my sewing table, too.

  3. Hi,
    Love your cute. I save the little pieces of fabric..cut them into shapes and applique them to a 4 1/2 inch square..I posted about this at my place...if you want to take a look...go here...

  4. I hear you on piling up my scraps from cutting projects. One time I cleaned up my pile of scraps and realized I had scraps from projects over 2 years old. EEK. I'm slowly working on getting through a pile of fabrics pulled for quilts that didn't get used and stuff left over from projects. Your rug hooking is cute. I'm trying hard not to slide into other hobbies! I don't need more UFOs.
