Tuesday, June 2, 2020

pink dresden to do

My oldest ufo is from 1987. My only daughter was born after 2 boys ( and there would be 2 more boys) And I was ready to celebrate pink.  I saw a picture in a magazine ( I wonder where it is hiding), and, I cut pieces with a cardboard template. It was so pretty and feminine looking. But, a third baby leaves you one hand too few. And, it has barely seen the light of day.  I can't find when, but I found a dresden template awhile ago. I cut several, enough to fill a gallon zip lock bag.

I bought a dresden package at a guild show, and knew I could turn them into the same dresden I was using.

And when I see 80s pink fabric at thrift stores, I buy it, because I know it will go with this quilt's colors.
The rainbow scrap challenge for June is pink. Not many of my projects actually need pink, so I looked through my ufos and remembered Katie's quilt. hmmm
I could either sort and cut my scrap drawer of pink, or, I could use the month to work on the dresden. I don't think I could do both. I want to keep going on the other quilts I have in progress. What to do.


  1. That is a tough choice! But an 80s pink Dresden quilt would be pretty fun!

  2. Having just completed the top for my 22 year old Grandmother's Flower Garden UFO, I would just tell you that the euphoria I felt completing that was so worth setting my other projects aside for a while. And your Dresden would be a wonderful gift for your only daughter. Looks like you have accumulated enough pink to make it as big as your grown-up girl would need. Just my humble 2 cents worth. :)

  3. I would work on the Dresden blocks. Something different for a change. Those scraps won't go away and you'll have some lovely pinks to add to the pile.

  4. Hi Maggie! I think it would be fun to talk a walk through memory lane and work on those Dresdens. Whatever you decide, it will be fun. Those pink scraps look FUN. Thanks for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. Hi,
    I'm doing the Rainbow Scrap challenge too, and I've found I don't have a lot of pink scraps, but I do have pink Sunbonnet Sue's to put together...have lots of Dresden shapes, I'll have to check to see if there are any pinky ones...have a great day!

  6. Wow, this brings back memories! My mother made me a similar quilt in the late 80s.... maybe early nineties. Dresdens with small floral prints. My quilt was blue, and it was watching her make it that planted the first intentions to one day make a quilt myself. My sister got a completely different design, but in very similar colours to your dresdens. Thanks for sharing with the Chameleon's Colour & Inspiration Party.
