Thursday, June 25, 2020

a unicorn trip

Yesterday, was the day to deliver the unicorn quilt to my Granddaughter that I finished last week.  It was a lovely day for a drive, and we had hubbie's doctor appointment in Indy, which feels like half way to Martinsville, so we went to present the quilt to her. They surprised us with a visit on Sunday,  Father's day, and I didn't have the label on it, so I kept it a secret.
I made this label for it.

She seemed to really love it. I was gifted with a few hugs.

That makes everything better.
Hubby had his 3 month check after back surgery, and, He is cleared for everything but work. We'll see if work agrees.

I am linking:
midweek makers - I am featured this week


  1. I didn't realize you were in IN too! Cute quilt!

  2. glad you were able to have a visit and hubby is ok now
