Saturday, December 1, 2018

getting closer

Yesterday, I gave in to a nasty cold, and a lot of Christmas movies were watched, snuggled in a warming blanket. I didn't even do hand work. ahhhchooo. It has slowed any progress throughout the week as well.

I did get all the rows together for Soul Searching and it will live in the to be quilted pile.

and I finished row 4 of the tokoyo subway quilt I have one more row to finish.

I hope next week is a little better. I miss my sewing room.
I am linking:


  1. A cold is no fun, but if you take it easy now, hopefully you'll feel better sooner! Still you got a little bit done - I'm looking forward to seeing how your Tokyo Subway quilt comes together.

  2. I love your scrappy quilts! Hope you will be better soon

  3. Soul Searching is such a great scrap quilt pattern. Hope you are able to finish it soon.

  4. I hope you get to feeling better soon. Thanks for sharing your lovely projects with Oh Scrap!

  5. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Your Soul Searching and Tokyo quilts look great!
