Thursday, December 13, 2018

square dance extras

I mentioned earlier that I had these interesting pieces leftover after making square dance from my carolina home. But I had no idea what I was going to do with them.

This is not my quilt but I saw it online, and I thought I recognized the pieces as those I had just made.
I would like to do something like this with my pieces. Anyone know a pattern name for this?

I have finally put the Christmas quilt on my bed. I plan on leaving it there until Spring. I love the colors. It's Carolina Christmas from Bonnie Hunter book and one of her mystery quilts from 2009. I finished it this year as part of my mystery quilt challenge. This quilt lays perfectly on my bed and doesn't try to slip off in the night.

I am linking
needle and thread Thursdays


  1. Both quilts are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Carolina Christmas turned out beautifully!

  3. Hello, I think your leftover pieces could be used in patterns by or inspired by Doreen Speckmann's books. She calls these units Peaky and Spike. But you may also want to check out Kaye England patterns, one is called Points and Peaks (in her book called Spikes and Peaks) and is very similar to the picture you posted.
    PS I am always in awe of Bonnie Hunter quilts. Yours is beautiful.
