Monday, June 20, 2022

fair and square progress

I was able to go to Friday quilt group and lay fair and square out a bit on the floor. That helped me put the top 4 rows together and start the bottom rows. This has been a puzzle from the beginning. Fair and square is a Bonnie Hunter pattern from her book: scraps and shirttails 2. It has been a UFO since 2019. I like the look of on point settings but, they are challenging for me.

Another of my clematis is blooming. This one is finicky. Last year it didn't bloom. I am glad to see it blooming.

I am linking:


  1. Your Fair and Square looks great

  2. ooh, Maggie -- your Fair & Square looks great! I love how the black strips set off all the wonderfully scrappy bits and inject some extra ZING!

  3. Good morning Maggie! Fair and Square is gorgeous. Wishing I had a big space like that to lay out my quilts. I have to stand on a step ladder to put mine on the design board - lol! Wish we could grow clematis here but it gets too hot I think.
    Thank you for sharing with us at To Do Tuesday!

  4. This one has been on my radar for a long time, and yours looks great!

  5. Fun and pretty quilt. It's a great scrappy project!
