Monday, August 31, 2020

windmill finish

The last of my August one monthly goals for this year, is squeaking in just under the deadline. It was a mad dash to finish this quilt by the end of the month. I couldn't decide if I wanted to add borders or not. I added the borders. Then, I couldn't decide how I was going to do the binding. I haven't been as happy with machine stitching the bindings of late, so I was contemplating hand stitching again.

My Friday quilt group was meeting again, and I took it with me. I had the binding cut, but not sewn together. While at the group, I stitched and ironed the binding, machine stitched the binding to the top, and hand stitched the binding to the back for a finish. 

This is a ufo from 2014 and a trip to Florida. It is about 58 x 60 inches. I quilted it with bubbles, and used a sheet for the back.
phd 2020


  1. Very nice finish. Love the pin wheels and the colors.

  2. Love it! The colors are so pretty.

  3. Wow, great job getting the binding all pieced, pressed, machine and hand stitched at your Friday group meeting!!!

  4. Love this! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  5. That's a really pretty quilt. Love the colors, love the pattern. I enjoy hand stitching the binding down. Besides, when I machine stitch it down, it looks pretty bad! Lol!

  6. Congrats on a very pretty finish, love those teals and greens! And more congrats for meeting your OMG.

  7. You are moving right along with all your finishes!! Great job! Beautiful Quilt!
    Thank you for linking up to PHD in 2020! :-)
