Thursday, August 27, 2020

quilt and rug

In may, I had all the bunnies fused to the blocks, except these two. I couldn't do these, because, they needed to overlap the borders. I wasn't sure about the borders, so, I left them for a bit in time out.
Now, I have all the bunnies fused, and stitched around, and bordered. The pattern, I am loosely following calls for 2 inch squares as sashing. I am not sure, what I want, yet. I need to let it percolate a little.

My rug hooking group has started meeting again at the library. My husband is a great rug hooker, too. He spent some of his recovery from back surgery, working on this rug. It was a pattern that he had found as a small stitching pattern. He enlarged it, and drew it on linen. And, in case you can't see the resemblance, that is me watering the flowers. He did a wonderful job on the rug, and I love it. He dyed the sky and the yarn binding himself. 

Finishing this rug, was appropriate during a pandemic. It reminded us to seek for self reliance and virtue.


  1. Maggie, your bunny blocks are adorable and I love the rug your husband made!

  2. Oh, those darling bunnies have hopped into the picture, again. They are SEW cute (and your husband's rug is beautiful!)

  3. Wow. Both awesome projects. Love the rug. Does hubby have a brother? Asking for a friend ha ha

  4. Adorable bunnies, and a great rug too!

  5. What an amazing rug! Your husband is very talented, just like you. Love those flop eared bunnies!

  6. Your bunnies are so cute! And your husband did a lovely job on the rug. Thanks for sharing with Creative Compulsions.

