The foundations for this quilt are simple and large enough that it is is easy to see where you are sewing and give excellent results. The templates for printing are found in the link below.
Since all the fabric pieces for the blocks have been pre -cut, it is a snap to get the block sewn. Starting with the 16 center squares. Here is a quick tutorial for foundation pieceing. The wrong side of the fabric faces the wrong side of the paper.
The first triangle is placed right sides together with the square on the back side of the paper. It is important to check that the triangle covers all the sewing line. I do that by picking it up and looking through the paper towards a light source.
Flip it over and sew on the line.
I do better if I iron after each addition of fabric.
With white fabric it has to be trimmed or the dark will show through the fabric.
I do opposite sides and then again opposite sides.
Paper piecing is great for asolutely the best accuracy.
After I have sewn all the seams, I will trim the paper on the lines.
and then I tear off the paper
This quilt requires 16 of these center squares in a square. They are trimmed 4 1/2 inches square and will finish at 4 inches.
Intro/ templates
fabric requirements
cutting red and green fabric
cutting background
piecing the center
I am linking (links in the sidebar) to:
needle and thread thursdays
oh scrap