Sunday, March 9, 2025

stash report March 9, 2025

While I was away, a missourri star box was delivered. It was a delicious surprise in snowy Indiana. I love snowflake/ white on white and use it all year long. The thread was on sale, too.

3 yards

 stash report March 9, 2025 

fabric added this week: 3 yards

 fabric added year to date for 2025: 14 yards

fabric used: 14 yards-  squared away finish

fabric used year to date for 2025: 28 1/2 yards  

14 1/2 yards used more than bought in 2025 

I sewed 4 days last week. Trying to get back in my groove.

With the new year, I am restarting an applique project - across the wide missourri-  I decided to start on the daisies. I hope I get better at this. My fingers are not as nimble as they used to be. Now that I am home, I hope to add something every day and just keep going. Every little bit helps and I might see the finish of this quilt that has spent a lot of time in the the ufo closet.

and a leaf

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Saturday, March 8, 2025

rsc zipper

I dug into my 1 1/2 inch strip bin for yellow. This year, I am sewing the color with a neutral in strips. I cut them at 2 1/2 inches and have a zig zag idea in my head. I am planning  to use 3 strips each month and see how far that gets me at years end. I was able to make 52 blocks in yellow.

I took the pink centered twosies of zipper  blocks from January and pulled all the blocks with blue to catch up February foursies. I didn't get all the way through them. And I still have yellow to go. I want to add different color blocks to them as we move through the year. I made the zipper blocks for the rainbow scrap challenge in 2022.

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Friday, March 7, 2025

squared away quilt finish

I have my first finish for the year.

I was excited to start the year with a new Ufo called squared away. The blocks were already done in 

2018  as part of the  rainbow scrap challenge BOM. I like everything about this finish. The lovely scrappy rainbow colors, the on point settting, the borders, and especially the location of my sewing on vacation. I quilted it when I got home. Now, I am officially ready to work through my ufos for the year with my 5 quilt challenge. It is great to get the first one done. I am out of practice taking pictures.

72 x 72  = 14 yards

I used a flannel backing and a bubble free form quilting.

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TGIFF different   

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Monday, March 3, 2025

tiny tuesday sampler one monthly goal

 I have decided to make tiny Tuesday quilt my one monthly goal for March. The top is together, and I am making the borders. I started this in 2019 as a QAL for the rainbow scrap challenge. I made all the blocks and put it away in the ufo closet. As part of the 5 quilt project last year, I brought it out to finish it. I added more blocks to make it bigger. I decided on a border that I am currently working to complete. I hope by the end of March, I will have it finished. I'm sorry these are not new pictures but there has not been any new other than the mess I am making LOL. Wish me luck


The blocks were designed by the academic quilter

Sunday, March 2, 2025

stash report March 2, 2025

stash report March 2, 2025 

I did stop at Joanns to see what was going on sale. It was mostly 20% off. In 60 years of sewing I have never paid 80% on anything at Joanns. That is why I loved it. Until the last couple of years when there wasn't any bargains or real coupons and incompetent employees. So, sadly, I didn't buy anything. I hear it is 40% now, maybe another look.

stash report March 2, 2025

fabric added this week: 0 yards

 fabric added year to date for 2025: 11 yards

fabric used: 0 yards 

fabric used year to date for 2025: 14 1/2 yards  

3 1/2 yards used more than bought in 2025 still ahead but getting close- no real changes

I sewed 4 days last week. Trying to get back in my groove.

With the new year, I am restarting an applique project - across the wide missourri-  I decided to start on the daisies. I hope I get better at this. My fingers are not as nimble as they used to be.

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Friday, February 28, 2025

5 quilt February 2025

 last report February 2, 2025

I try to work on these 5 quilts until they are done. Their turn in the UFO closet is over, and, they need to be finished one way or another.   PHD in 2025 Project List

I finished 0 ufo in January But, I am starting over for the new year. I was away from home for 6 weeks.

I worked on these older Ufos to finish them

1. squared away - This was my one monthly goal for January. I have the flimsy ready for borders. I will also make this my one monthly goal for February to finish the quilt. The top is finished 

2. peppermint candy - I made all the blocks and I am deciding on sashing. I have a fabric precut and ready to use, but, so far, I am not thrilled with it.

3. kaleidoscope - I need to make the outer border - I didn't take it with me on vacation

4. scrappy twirl - I need to join the blocks with the border I didn't bring this project with me either.

5. tiny tuesday - almost assembled and making the border

6. strip joint- I brought this with me to Florida as a back up project. The top is ready for quilting

I have added another goal to the 5 quilts project. I want to take one day a month and cut scraps. I will have plenty to choose from since I really didn't cut any for 2024, and the bags of uncut scraps are piling up, all over the fabric room. So far - Nothing

 quilts to be quilted: While I was away, I couldn't quilt But I home now. I am hoping to get back on track.

1.  squared away it's on the frame

2. strip joint  waiting it's turn

Looking forward to March

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Monday, February 24, 2025

tilting at windmills

Now that I am home, I can catch up my rainbow scrap challenge projects. First, pink, and then, blue. I had sewn the strips for windmill in pink, but, now they are sewn and ready. I began by webbing the blocks and then sewing the center seam for the win.

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Sunday, February 23, 2025

stash report February 23, 2025

I made a second trip to the quilt store that was closing, and added more fabric to my stash. I also took a picture of the templates I bought. 

stash report February 23, 2025 

fabric added this week: 5 yards

 fabric added year to date for 2025: 11 yards

fabric used: o yards 

fabric used year to date for 2025: 14 1/2 yards  

3 1/2 yards used more than bought in 2025 still ahead but getting close- I need to finish something

I sewed 1 days last week. Mostly traveling last week

With the new year, I am restarting an applique project - across the wide missourri-  Ok bias stems are quite fun. I have all the daisy stems finished- next the daisies

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Friday, February 21, 2025

red peppermint blocks

We are back in Indiana, hello snow and cold. I did finish all the blocks for peppermint candy quilt. I had cut all the sashing pieces for the quilt a few years ago, but, I am not sure I like them. Now that I am home, I can check my stash and figure out what I want to do. I came home with 2 finished tops that I look forward to quilting in the near future.

red background

white background

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TGIFF different   

please consider signing up to host the weekly party here 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

the last of the Dresden blocks

 I have finished all the dresden blocks I need, to finish the quilt. I plan on adding this to the UFO list for 2025. If I don't finish this year, it will be on the list each year until it is finished. It has been very patient since 1987. It began as my only daughter's baby quilt. When she was old enough to decide, pink is not her color. haha.

I pulled this older UFO out of the closet in January as part of the rainbow scrap challenge when pink was the color of the month. I only planned to work on it through January, but, I was so close to getting the blocks done, I decided to keep sewing. And, now, the blocks are finished  Such an adventure.

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wednesday wait loss  click on blog

My quilt infatuation

Monday, February 17, 2025

peppermint candy quilt blocks

I spent some time sewing triangles for blocks for peppermint candy. When I started the blocks, I coudn't 

stop until, I made all the white background pinwheels. I needed 15 and made 18. I hope I still have time to get the red ones done before going home.

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Sunday, February 16, 2025

stash report February 16, 2025

I have only visited one fabric store in Florida, until I needed to look for a sashing for my peppermint candy quilt. I accidently found a quilt shop that was closing. serendipity= Everything was 50 % off. I didn't find my sashing fabric, though 

but found some great treasures. The shop owner was 94 and had the shop for 32 years. what a quilter

I bought 2 templates that are no longer available = Easy 6 and easy 8. I know I have one of them but since I don't remember which one, I bought them both. LOL I may have to go back again just to look.

6 yards

 stash report February 16, 2025 

fabric added this week: 6 yards

 fabric added year to date for 2025: 6 yards

fabric used: o yards 

fabric used year to date for 2025: 14 1/2 yards  

8 1/2 yards used more than bought in 2025 still ahead

I sewed 5 days last week. 

With the new year, I am restarting an applique project - across the wide missourri-  Ok bias stems are quite fun.

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Saturday, February 15, 2025

dresden again

I have been slowly sewing blades and then rings for my dresden quilt. When I restarted it in January as part of the rainbow scrap challenge, I decided I needed 8 more rings for the quilt. I only have 2 more left to do. Then, I will add it to the 5 quilt list for 2025, so that it is not forgotten again.

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Friday, February 14, 2025

top finished

strip joint is now a finished top. I don't plan on adding borders. I made the blocks a few years ago with 2 1/2 inch strips. And even today  I have bags of red and brown 2 1/2 inch stripsI really like this one. I like all the quilts I have made especially when they are finished. This one checks all my boxes for a wonderful quilt.

hubby brought me a heart shaped strawberry gift. These are not just any strawberries. They are locally grown - in Florida - sweet and juicy strawberries like the ones I remember from my childhood. Not the king we have in our stores in Indiana. Happy valentine's day.

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TGIFF different   

please consider signing up to host the weekly party here 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

strip joint quilt rows

After a little frustration with peppermint candy pinwheels, I decided to work on strip joint. I brought it with me just in case.....I started sewing blocks into rows. The pattern called for 3 by 4. I had more blocks than that, so, I decided on 4 x 5 and got busy sewing rows. I am sure I will get back to peppermint candy quilt soon, but, needed a break. I really like the colors.

2 1/2 inch strips

 I am linking:

wednesday wait loss

My quilt infatuation

I met a new green friend at the botanical garden.

Monday, February 10, 2025

peppermint candy progress

I am busy sewing pieces for peppermint candy. I am working on the whites background pinwheels. I like this kind of sewing- matching pieces and chain sewing-. I'ts easy to get in the zone and let the machine do it all. Ir's time to turn the quadrants into blocks.

one monthly goal

There are outdoor gyms in Florida parks

Sunday, February 9, 2025

stash report February 9, 2025

 No fabric in or out this week. We were close to Dade city Florida and I am a big fan of Becky of quilted twins, so we made the drive. It was a busy shop and, I didn't buy anything. I couldn't believe it myself. Hubby encouraged me to purchase, but, I did not have a plan in the future that I would need fabric. Bummer- I didn't even see Becky.

 stash report February 9, 2025 

fabric added this week: 0 yards

 fabric added year to date for 2025: 0 yards

fabric used: o yards 

fabric used year to date for 2025: 14 1/2 yards  

14 1/2 yards used more than bought in 2025 still ahead

I sewed 5 days last week. 

With the new year, I am restarting an applique project - across the wide missourri- It's time to prep for a new block in the quilt I am working to make. It will have flowers and leaves. There are a lot of small pieces to trace and iron.The kit comes with fabric but I have scraps from the previous blocks that will be good for the small pieces.

bias for vines

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Friday, February 7, 2025

squared away top

I added an inner border to squared away. We changed locations, so, I wasn't sure I would get the border finished. but I did.

We found a park and were able to lay it flat -ish. I look forward to quilting it when I get home.

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TGIFF different   

please consider signing up to host the weekly party here 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

more dresden rings

I have had a chance to make more dresden  rings. I tend to sew a bunch of blades, turn and press them and then sew the rings. After I make a couple, I run out of variety and repeat. I need 5 more to reach my goal.

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wednesday wait loss

setting up shop at my son's house

Monday, February 3, 2025

5 quilt January 2025

  last report December 30, 2024 

I try to work on these 5 quilts until they are done. Their turn in the UFO closet is over, and, they need to be finished one way or another.   PHD in 2025 Project List

I finished 0 ufo in January But, I am starting over for the new year

I worked on these older Ufos to finish them

1. squared away - This was my one monthly goal for January. I have the flimsy ready for borders. I will also make this my one monthly goal for February to finish the quilt.

2. peppermint candy - I made 4 blocks this month

3. kaleidoscope - I need to make the outer border - I didn't take it with me on vacation

4. scrappy twirl - I need to join the blocks with the border I didn't bring this project with me either.

5. tiny tuesday - almost assembled and making the border

I have added another goal to the 5 quilts project. I want to take one day a month and cut scraps. I will have plenty to choose from since I really didn't cut any for 2024, and the bags of uncut scraps are piling up, all over the fabric room.

 quilts to be quilted: I was away and couldn't quilt 

1. squared away

Looking forward to February: