Monday, December 26, 2022

dotty progress

I did a little Christmas sewing, and, I have three rows together of dotty bow ties. I have a few more sashings made for adding more rows.

It was a cold, quiet holiday. I had most of the food bought early, so that was not a problem. We spent the- too cold to do anything (-10) - time watching Christmas movies. It was fun. We didn't get to see our family. bummer. It was too dangerous for this old couple to be out and about. We are now at a balmy16 degrees with a slight dusting of snow and a few drifts from the wind which was relentless. 


  1. One day I'm going to try one of these quilts. Try to stay warm. This old couple did venture out to friends for Christmas dinner.

  2. That is a beautiful start. I love it! Our winter weather cleared up by Christmas but we stayed home too and just did FaceTime with both families. They'll all come here next Friday if the weather allows travel.

  3. Merry Christmas to you as well. Our balmy temperature is 17 as well and that is with the sunshine. Love all your progress and wish you continued success as I have not sewed in many days.

  4. Glad to know you are safe and warm. Great progress with the dotty bowties blocks.

  5. Sorry you missed your family for Christmas! It's warmed up here so hopefully you can still fit in a visit during the holidays. Thanks for sharing your oh so cute dotty bow tie blocks on Wednesday Wait Loss!

  6. I think that is the prettiest bow tie quilt I've ever seen! I love the "dotty" part of it too. That's really a cold Christmas - sorry you didn't get to see your fam - but quiet and cozy sounds good. Thank you for sharing with To Do Tuesday!
