Wednesday, July 29, 2020

more letters

I went to quilt guild last night. It was short and everyone wore masks. We were at least 10 feet or more apart. There was no program. Our quilt show for October has been cancelled until next year. I will be leading a workshop on Saturday. There are only 5 signed to come, but, we will have plenty of room to spread and stay away from each other. I am having trouble hearing with masks on, so it might be interesting.
I have been concentrating  on the small words or parts of words for my quote quilt. I have a lot of trimming to do. With all the little bitty pieces, there was some wonkiness. Once the words are together, I will need to decide how I want to join them.

I am making this as part of my rainbow scrap challenge for last year. some of my letters here and here

I am linking:


  1. My guilds are still online “Zoom” only with no live workshops. :-(. I know what you mean about the masks, though. I think they muffle people’s voices and that makes it harder to understand what people are saying. I hope your workshop goes well!

  2. I've missed our regular monthly guild meetings! Wearing masks isn't always comfortable, but a necessary part of life these days!
