Tuesday, July 28, 2020

to do: shoofly shoo

Nothing like a new leader/ender project ( easy breezy ) to motivate making the old leader/ ender project ( shoofly). I feel a little pressure to finish the shoofly blocks I have kitted, before, I forget, and, move on to something else. These are the 4 1/2 inch size, and I don't think I would have another use for the tiny HSTS pieces. For a few years, Bonnie Hunter encourages us to try a new leader/ender project.

more  here and here and here

I am linking to:


  1. Hi Maggie! I admire you for making those little itty bitty pieces into such a cute block. Great job! Thanks for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Those are so cute! How many have you made?
