Tuesday, July 7, 2020

to do: make two more

I thought I was done making the blocks for charming stars, but, I miscounted. So, I need to make 2 more. They are quick and easy, so, no worries. I just wish I could count...lol

I think I am liking the colors together, and, I think I will add sashing.

I have the square dance quilt on the frame, so to do number 2. Is quilt the quilt.

Meanwhile, summer is happening.

I am linking to:


  1. Hi Maggie! Summer is certainly happening. Those blocks look so pretty in the dappled sunlight. They will make a wonderful quilt top. Thanks for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Those charming stars are so cute! They look fun to make, too. Do you use the 2.5 inch mini charms for them?

  3. Your blocks look so lovely in the sunshine, I think sashing will look great (once you have treated yourself to two more blocks!). Thanks for linking up to the Chameleon's Colour & Inspiration party.

  4. Your scrappy star blocks are beautiful! Counting is overrated anyway ;)

  5. Hope you've already checked off all the items from your to do list for the week.
