Sunday, September 15, 2024

stash report September 15, 2024

A quilty friend gifted me a little bag of scrappy squares that were so fun to dig through and pet. I like that it is a little glimpse into their quilting world.

stash report September 15, 2024 

 fabric added this week: 0 yards

 fabric added year to date for 2024: 72 yards    

fabric used:  - 14 yards - dark strings is finished -new

fabric used year to date for 2024: 506 yards 

441 yards used more than bought in 2024

I sewed 4 days last week. 

Hubby and I attended a quilt show in Pendleton Indiana that was hanging in a museum of history of the that town. The quilts were lovely to look at, but, I am always intrigued by the museum as well. Off the beaten path of the quilt show was a stunning beauty I just had to stop and admire. I can't believe how amazing this quilt was. It was incredible. 

I didn't touch, but my fingers give perspective of the size of the tiny squares.

I am linking to:


  1. Always fun to play with other people’s scraps. Lovely finished quilt! Gail at the cozy quilter

  2. That quilt is awesome! It looks like those pieces finish at 1/2". That would be a lifetime project.

  3. It's always fun to play with piles of scraps. Do you have a plan for these are will pieces go to other in the works projects? Congrats on the quilt metrics. You've done so well on both fronts this year.

  4. Lovely new scrappy squares and other shapes, and I love your dark string quilt too! What a wonderful finish.
    Great visit at the museum too, this quilt looks beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  5. Dark Strings is gorgeous. That museum quilt is amazing. Oh my, those squares are tiny.

  6. Beautiful quilts! Hope you have a great week!

  7. Fabric scraps look like feedsack. What a great gift. Would love to see antique quilt in person.

  8. I cannot even imagine making a quilt with those small little squares. Plus in her day she didn't have the machines we have now. I am amazed, it certainly is a work of art and a treasure to behold.
