Wednesday, March 30, 2022

snails trail blocks

I finished as many blocks as I could with the big pieces that were already cut. I was too lazy to cut more, so I started blocks over again with the smaller pieces.

I really, really like making snail trail. And I really really like using shirt plaids, so, this is a win, win for me. Sometimes I have to sew off the list for my sanity.

What I don't understand is how pieces go rogue on a 'block on board' accuquilt die. I use a whole piece of fabric for each block - up to 4. and I end up with some pieces running out sooner than others? I change out the pieces for a more scrappy block, but where are those misbehaving pieces?

We have had rainy cold days, but I saw a bit of blue sky again yesterday. daffodils are  blooming and I saw rhubarb peaking it's head up ever so slightly. It looks like mints are making a come back from winter, and I see green in the thyme. Spring is just around the corner. We have had snow in April, but it doesn't stay very long.

I  am linking to:


  1. I can't wait for spring! It definitely feels like it's almost here and then we get a real cold day. Love when you use shirts--there is something about them that is very appealing. No wonder you like using them! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  2. The scrappy shirt snail's trail blocks are terrific, Maggie!

  3. List? You have a list? Haha, I have one too, but I don't listen to it! If it comes out on audio book maybe? The shirt plaids look very appealing but I am so trying to resist!
