Saturday, March 12, 2022

Sweet tooth candy blocks

I woke up one morning, and, I wanted to make noodles. That was odd. Who wants to make noodles when you can open a bag from the store. The house was quiet, and, I cracked open a few eggs and started. It was a very sentimental time, and filled my heart with love for all the really great women who had taught me how to make noodles. I first thought of my Mother, who has been gone for 20 years. I could see her unrolling those long noodles and she talked about her Mother teaching her. It was an art to my Grandmother's generation. Pat Burton, taught a Relief Society class at church when I was a young homemaker, making it look doable. And Linda Phipps had me come to her home, and we made them her way together.  I made them with my daughter, and we had a flour fight. But, I know she is not the type to make homemade noodles. I made them with my Granddaughters. They thought it was messy. haha. If I ask my children their favorite meal that they want me to make for them, they request chicken and noodles with homemade noodles.  I have an attachment for my kitchen aid mixer, but, I can do them so much better, the old fashioned way. A bowl, an egg, some flour, a rolling pin, and some sentimental thoughts.

I made some candy blocks for the month of March and the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy.

The yellow strings just lined up this way, all straight.

I am linking to:


  1. I loved your post about the noodles. My grandmother made them fairly often, and my mother still makes them every once in a while. I have not yet got them just right. But I'll keep trying! Adorable yellow candy blocks.

  2. Your chunky candy clocks are cure! Thanks for sharing your noodle making memories! I’m an old lady, but I’ve never made noodles!

  3. Your post made me remember when my mother made noodles.
    I inherited her manual machine, 24 years ago and use it 3 or 4 times who knows i will make noodles soon.
    love your yellow candy blocks. Are they honey candy?

  4. Great memories, Maggie! And you're still making them, too. I definitely remember my grandma making noodles, and they were yummy! Your candy blocks are so fun - what a colorful quilt they'll make!

  5. Hand made noodles sound delicious. And your yellow sweetie blocks certainly look good enough to eat, I'm presuming they must be lemon flavoured, my favourite.

  6. Oh, how I wished that I asked my grandmother to teach me how to make noodles. I watched her a couple of times, but didn't take notes. Thanks for sharing and invoking good memories.

  7. Love your yellow strings. They're so cheery. Homemade noodles are way tastier than those in bags, but somehow I never get them thin enough. I bet they were delicious, especially the memories!

  8. I got the machine to press and cut the noodles and I did try it once but, obviously, you don't become a chef on the first try so let's just say they were edible, haha. I should give myself a second chance. Love your candy blocks. ;^)

  9. So enjoyed reading about your memories, especially of your grandmother. I wish I had asked my grandmother to teach me her special recipes. I'm old now, and she has been gone for decades, but I am so glad I have my memories of being in the kitchen with her when she was cooking wonderful things like Chicken and Dumplings.

  10. Sweet memories are attached to noodle making for you. My mother did not enjoy cooking and I doubt she ever made them. I think I also learned in a Relief Society class, and I made them now and then--even bought a rolling pin that cut them, though I thought a knife worked better. Since going gluten free 7 years ago, I haven't tried making a GF noodle. Maybe one day.

  11. Such wonderful memories! Cute candy blocks. Love how scrappy they are! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  12. I love home made noodles and cant imagine making them the modern way. Now I want to go make egg noodles. Love your blocks, thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.
