Wednesday, March 9, 2022

hole in the barn blocks

We planned to attend a hook in ( rug hooking) in Nashville Indiana last weekend, but, our freezer took it's last breath. So, the weekend was quick buying a freezer ( the real ordeal), waiting for delivery, and switching a million pounds of food from one to another. Geesh, we are getting too old for this nonsense. how did that happen?

I took little bits of strings and crumbs and made the fabric for the Hole in the barn blocks. I wasn't planning on doing this, this year, but, there are a few too many small pieces of scraps that need a home. This is for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I needed to catch up with red for January, and aqua for February.

I need to make yellow for March

oh scrap sunday


  1. I did some catching up too! We are trying to " eat down our freezer" . How does it get so full!

  2. Oh, those scrappy rails are terrific! At least you were at home when the freezer conked out, rather than being out of town for a week or something.

  3. Love your blocks! They all look great. They can easily handle the smallest of scraps and turn them into little beauties. Enjoy! ;^)

  4. I love these blocks! It’s a quilt I want to make at some point.

  5. i LOVE your scrappy shoo flys! it's one of my favorite blocks, and i even have a die cutter for it, for my Studio2 cutter. i think i'll put some iteration of this on my list for next year.

  6. Love how you used your scraps here! These blocks are so pretty. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
