Saturday, February 12, 2022

spring blossoms

It's almost Spring... ok we have 6 inches of snow on the ground and the temps are in the teens, BUT, Spring is coming.

I have aqua blossom time blocks done for the month of February and the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I had hoped for 12 but the final count was ...11 sigh...

It is time to prune the grapevines. We haven't taken care of them for several years. Time for maple sugar season. And I hope we prune the apple tree. I am ready for Spring.

 I am linking to:


  1. Aqua blossom blocks are lovely, Maggie. Happy flowers.

  2. Love your teal spring flowers!!! Spring is on the way, yes!!!

  3. Oh, Maggie!! The more blocks you make, the more I want to make them right alongside you. LOVE them in AQUA/TEAL!!

  4. Lovely aqua flowers! I'm ready for spring, but it won't come for another couple of months here. Time to look at seed catalogs and plan.

  5. I'm ready for spring, too! Your blossoms really look like spring, too - so pretty!
