Tuesday, January 29, 2019

new template

I have challenged myself to use my templates this year, and decide which ones are worth keeping and which ones I won't. Last year, I ended the year using the scrap crazy 6 template. I hadn't even opened the set.
I enjoyed the different variations that I tried - Oriental pinwheel, scrappy twirl, and scrappy twinkle.

Then, in January, I tried the scrap crazy original template. I had taken a class 5 or so years ago, and had made a very cute child's quilt using the template, but, then, it sat unused. I used it to cut another quilt, made the mistake cutting that gave me mirror image pieces. The plan was to make 2 smaller quilts. ummm... not enough. on to plan c. I am working on bordering the quilt with the mistake blocks. I have the inner border attached.

I am thinking that for February and however longer, I am going to experiment with the pineapple template and trash to treasure.

I have one block pieced that I made when I bought the template years ago.

I also have an unopened, very dusty, pineapple template from creative grids. Which will I like better?

If you want to dust off an old template, and join me this year, I can do a linky thingy and we can inspire each other. I haven't ever done a link up, but I am sure I could learn.

too cute tuesday

chameleon color linky

Oh scrap


  1. I have a growing collection of rulers and templates - some I use a lot some need to be dusted! You have inspired me to give the unused ones a go! :-) Your pineapple blocks looks very neat - I've made this block on paper foundation but not using a ruler.

  2. I have the pineapple ruler...I just have so many projects in the way right now, but I badly want to use it...

  3. I have a collection of rulers and templates also! I love the pineapple trim tool - it takes some time learning to use but the result is awesome. I would be happy to have some motivation to use some of my rulers :)

  4. I have the pineapple ruler but discovered most of my scraps were not wide enough; debating the purchase of the mini ruler, or waiting for more scraps to appear!

  5. Great idea to work through your unused tools. I look forward to your verdict on these two.
