Monday, May 15, 2023

wrangling more blocks

 I'm still wrangling these blocks for my 5 quilts project. I try to make at least 2 blocks every morning. I need 42 'uphill' blocks. Each one is different, and a fun surprise. I left the tags on some of shirts. I don't know if I will like it or not.

oops I see one that is not right .. sigh

I have a working cart next to my machine that holds all the cut pieces and 'in process' pieces for making the blocks. 

I am linking:


  1. This quilt will be so lovely when it's finished, happy stitching!

  2. I think a few tags scattered about will add a bit of fun!

  3. Wow -- looks like you made great progress on making blocks. Hope it continues for you.

  4. Isn't it interesting that the camera can show us something we don't see. That happens to me all the time. I love these interesting blocks and I think a tag here or there will add interest to the overall quilt.

  5. The tags are fun, and I had to look hard to find the not right piece. Lots of progress!

  6. I think leaving the tags on is genius! Really looking good.

  7. Love these plaids! So fun to see the shirt tags! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  8. Wonderful blocks, and I like the way you have come up with to keep them organized.

  9. What a great idea to leave some of the tags on, Maggie! Love them! Thanks for sharing with us on MM.

  10. Maggie this is such a fun quilt. I love seeing the labels on some of the fabrics. Great way to organize everything so it's close to hand. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday.
