Friday, May 26, 2023

floor finish

I can't believe it, but my sewing room floor is clean and as tidy as it is going to get.  It went from this


to this. 

I spent 6 weeks sorting through procrastinated messes and organizing better. I tried to remove as much as possible by donating or gifting. There is still too much packed into the room. I also tried to locate often used items closer to me.

These were all over the room wherever I could lean them

scrap bins

I can walk straight to my machine

 still more to go

cutting table

I decided my may project was to do the same thing to my fabric and ironing board room for May. oh, and my cutting table.

I am linking to:


  1. Looks fabulous. I need your mojo to get my fabric organized.

  2. Your diligence has paid off! The floor is beautiful (I miss the maple floors in the older houses we lived in).

  3. Congratulations for tackling such a daunting project and achieving. Looking forward to the reveal of the next room. :)

  4. Lovely floor, and good job on organizing, donating, and gifting! I'm afraid my instinct is to mess everything up as soon as it's put away!

  5. Congrats on taming the mess, Maggie! My studio still has more boxes left to unpack from our move... I really, really need to follow your lead! It's been more than a year and a half. Sigh...

  6. Wow!!! That is amazing progress and looks so great!

  7. Amazing progress! I keep trying to downsize and clean. . . I guess I'm not trying hard enough as I'm not making progress!!!! Your results must feel wonderful. I'm inspired to try again!---TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  8. I have lost sight of my sewing room floor as well😄your sewing space looks great!

  9. Oh dear -- we're supposed to be able to SEE THE FLOOR?! I am working on Baby Goals of trying to clear off the ironing board so I can find my iron! ;-)

  10. You've made great progress! Great goal to tackle the cutting table next. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  11. Good for you! It was well worth the time and effort!
