Friday, February 10, 2023

twisted braid top

I auditioned neutral, red, and light blue for the sashing. But, I decided to use dark blue. The top is ready for quilting as soon as there is time on the longarm.

I found this pattern in this book. I have had it for awhile. I cut and put the pattern together as a kit in 2018. I drew it as a random number for part of my 5 quilts early this year. I took it as a portable project to  piece and when all the other quilts on the list were waiting to be quilted, I finished it here at home.
I really like the purse quilt on the cover, and, if, I ever get to a new project, that might be it.

now, it waits to be quilted.

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  1. That is a beauty. How nice to have it all ready to sew.

  2. Wonderful top! It is so striking in its contrasts. Thanks for linking up with TGIFF

  3. That is lovely and fun-looking.

  4. The twisted braid quilt is very striking! I love the R,W and B!,

  5. The dark blue frames it beautifully; great choice!

  6. Great looking quilt. I like the dark blue for the sashing. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Your quilt is beautiful. I like the navy-blue boarders. It is always exciting to see it quilted.

  8. Nice choice on the navy blue borders. It is always exciting to get your quilt quilted.

  9. Lovely quilt! The dark blue is perfect. I like all the books by the Lintotts, their directions are clear and sensible.

  10. Beautiful, it's a great design.

  11. What a pretty quilt top! That dark navy was the perfect choice. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
