Saturday, February 4, 2023

pink hollow nine

I was anxious to see what pink lurks in the scrap drawers for the the rainbow scrap challenge. It is such fun to start a new color each month. I did manage to find enough 3 1/2 inch squares to sew 3 pink hollow nine squares.

I cut QSTS for a border for box kite, an older ufo. I hope it will all be cut by the end of the year... or sooner. I only need 28 each month and I cut 67. I was on a roll. I did cut all the parts to make fish school/kismet, too.


  1. Great start to PINK month for the RSC, Maggie!!

  2. Pretty pinks! I really like the hollow 9 block!

  3. Not sure my comment went through, trying again. Pretty pink blocks.

  4. You made quick work of all those pink scraps! Now you can stitch for a while on them.

  5. A few a day, or even just sewing one has helped me in the past. You are ahead of the game, you have all the pinks cut and ready for when you want to sew! That is a win every time. Have a wonderful day.

  6. Such a pretty color of the month! Love your RSC projects. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
