Friday, October 28, 2022

bunnies is a top

I have finished my bunny quilt to the top stage. I think It is very cute and, coincidently, I am going to be a Grandmother again. I might be ahead on this one. Now, this quilt will be sent to the "to be quilted" closet, and, wait it's turn for the longarm.

hoping for a safe halloween for all the kiddos

We did just a little bit of fun decorating this year.

I am linking to:

rsc21 super saturday


  1. Just look at those happy bunnies! Just the very thing with a new grandchild coming soon.

  2. The bunnies are so adorable! Great colors on the quilt, too. Another grandchild, how wonderful!

  3. Adorable bunny quilt. Any kid would be delighted to have this one.

  4. Congrats on being a grandma again! Love that bunny quilt!

  5. The bunny top is so cute. Love their different ears!

  6. Such a fun bunny pattern, Maggie, and congrats on your new grand on the way!

  7. Congrats on being a grandma again, Maggie, the bunnie quilt is so cute.

  8. Love the bunnies! So very cute. Congrats on the pending new addition to the family.

  9. Ohhhh Bunnies is SO cute!!! Thanks for linking to Finished ( or not) Friday!! I love seeing all the creative things you make

  10. The bunnies are adorable and will be super cute when it comes out of the to be quilted closet.

  11. Congratulations grandma! That bunny quilt could be just the thing for a new baby. Love how you decorated for Halloween! Thanks for sharing on the 300th Wednesday Wait Loss.
