Friday, October 7, 2022

circa rows and more rows

I have been sewing rows for my version of circa 1880 quilt. I believe I have used many blocks from each of the swappers already for this quilt. I am pretty sure I have many more than I will need, maybe enough for another quilt of some sort.

I lost count on one row haha

This looks about the size I want, but, I won't know until I actually sew them together. I have to figure out how to finish the ends.

So far, the rescue itty bitty is doing great. And seems to be attached to my hubby.


  1. Totally loving the circa quilt! And your rescue is adorable!


  2. This is gorgeous! I'm looking forward to seeing how you decide to finish the edges. AND THE KITTY--my day has been made! Thanks for linking up to TGIFF.

  3. Your version of the 1880 quilt looks great! Such a cute little kitty too. Happy stitching this weekend.

  4. What a pretty quilt!
    and the baby kittie - so adorable!

  5. Your quilt is coming along well, it looks great. As for that little kitten, so sweet. A ginger, must be a boy, I expect?

  6. I bet it feels as though you are sewing forever -- but the results will be great! The kitten is so cute.

  7. What a sweet kitty. Love your Circa 1880 blocks and now, seeing it in rows, it is simply gorgeous! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
