Saturday, October 1, 2022

light blue finish

I finished with the light blues. I made some star and crown blocks.

And, I spent some time sewing blocks into twosomes for the hunter's star. Otherwise, I worked on the 5 UFO quilts I have going, to move them along, while I waited for the new color for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I guess the color will be lime and light green. IT might be time to cut that color for an older UFo called swingin checkerboard  that needs green for the sashing.

I can't believe it October already. It seems  like yesterday I was planting seeds in the garden. My heart goes out to Floridians everywhere.


  1. Blue stars and crown blocks are so pretty. Those twosomes for the hunter's star are perfect for a colorful and happy quilt, looking forward to seeing how you will organize them. Have a great week, Maggie.

  2. I really like the star and crown blocks. Purdy, Purdy. ~~Kathy S.

  3. Lovely Star and Crown blocks and those Hunter's Star! Yum! I love the bright happy colors. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
