Wednesday, May 13, 2020

shirt rows

I started putting all the pieces and parts together for Show off quilt, and, it went very quickly. I have all the rows together. This pattern calls for 9 1/2 inch squares, and is designed by the the quilted twins. They have a large selection of free patterns. I have a large stash of recycled shirt fabric, and I keep it separate, so, it grows. It is time to use it.

When I started, I was in no hurry, making the smaller pieces first. But, the blocks are big and it goes together quickly. It isn't even on a list somewhere, yet.

I am linking:
midweek makers - I'm featured today


  1. That has gone quick! Love the look, and I bet it's a great pattern for big, pretty florals.

  2. A very nice way to showcase the shirt fabrics. Since I have a large shirt stash, I should probably save this pattern!

  3. Great use of shirt fabrics - looks great!

  4. Such a cozy quilt project! I've been entertaining thoughts of making this one, too. Need to gather more shirts for mine, though.
