Saturday, May 9, 2020

green challenge

I dug and found these little bits of green for wonky tiny stars, but didn't get them made. I don't even remember what distracted me.

I worked on tiny houses and country roads. I don't have a plan and number for these blocks. I suppose I will have to beef up the number I make each month, to actually make something, but, for now, I am just playing around with scraps.

My rainbow projects for 2020 with links:
 Irish chain
row by row
scraptastic star
country road

I am linking to:

rsc20 super saturday

oh scrap


  1. LOL! That's the main reason that I opted for a "diary style" RSC post. If I didn't add things day by day, I had NO IDEA what I had accomplished during the week. Your lovely bits of Dark GREEN are coming together SEW nicely in the blocks you've chosen to make!

  2. love your little houses - agree with that bottom clip - I'm not having problem staying home but I know of quite a few that are! they are going crazy and don't know what to do

  3. I love those green houses! Just about any scrap works, and they are cute as can be.

  4. Cute little houses. I can't wait to see where they land some day.

  5. It's fun to visit your blog. You always do so much with scraps! Both sets of blocks are great.

  6. You've got some nice blocks coming along. I'm not too sure I would mess with those tiny bits although I will admit they're perfect for wonky stars!
