Wednesday, April 20, 2022

scrap play

Just a little fun with triangles. I had a pile on the sewing table and rather than put them in "the bucket", I just made a few beauty baskets. And yes, I dug some more out of the bucket and made a bigger mess. But, I was a happy girl.

I made a few yellow easy breezy blocks, lately, as leader/ enders. It takes 11 steps to complete one. It's a simple block, but, several steps.

I have a little more done on boho heart.

section 2 top

I  am linking to:


  1. Those beauty baskets are cute! I can see how playing with them would be a happy time. I really should keep more triangle cut-offs for blocks like those!

  2. The little baskets twinkle! I undertand about the step-filled "easy" blocks. I've begun Carolina Chain blocks and they are similar. Easy, but several steps to be aware of (with pressing in between). You can sew in batches but you have to be sure to keep the units in order so you don't mis-sew!

  3. I love how you manage to make progress on all of your projects each week. Those little baskets are cute! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
