Saturday, March 25, 2023

cutting for green projects

I still can't find my 60 or so hsts in green for fish school. All I have left is a picture of the strips I used to cut them. sad... I hope they are doing fine wherever they are.

I cut the qsts for the border of an older ufo Box kite in green

I cut the pieces I needed for lucky stars in green.

I have not been sewing much this week, so, I feel behind for the for the rainbow scrap challenge in March.

I am off for a sew day today, maybe the mojo will be there.

I am linking to:


  1. I think your HSTs are with my 3 yards of white I 'lost' last year!!! It's so frustrating LOL I love the braids though... I've been wanting to do a braid quilt for a while, maybe this is my sign <3

  2. Hope you find them soon, Maggie. You prepared pretty green fabrics to play with.

  3. I hate it when I know I have fabric but can't find it lol great job on your accomplishments

  4. You've got a great variety of greens, there.
    Isn't it awful when you can't find blocks or pieces of blocks or fabric? That's happened to me twice in the past week. I found the fabric I was looking for and I hope you find the triangles for fish school.

  5. You have such lovely green fabrics! Fingers crossed you'll find those fish school pieces soon. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
