Friday, March 24, 2023

kristals is a top

kristals is a top. They are brighter than in the pictures. I took the photo at the library. It must be noted, as part of the friendly competetion between Linda and me, I was 4 days ahead of her in finishing the top. And, yep, since I am her longarmer, Guess who will win the finished quilt? But, I love her version, and mine.



I think mine will be a finish, yet, this month for my one monthly goal

I am linking to:


  1. Oh, I like that pattern and how your top turned out. I like both versions of Kristals but think I prefer your more colorful one. What a fun friendly competition!

  2. Those are really pretty! I don't know that i have seen that pattern before - congrats!

  3. What a great top pattern! You and your friend chose great color ways!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  4. What a pretty and unusual design! I love both versions and love seeing how the same pattern can look so different depending on the fabrics chosen. I hope you'll show us another side-by-side once you've quilted them!

  5. What fun to make the quilt together! Really love your version. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
