Saturday, November 19, 2022

strings for Kismet

I spent a few evenings at the treadle making string units. I was trying to make ahead, the units for the fish school blocks, I have been making for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I cut fish school blocks for the leader/ ender challenge 2021 and made  quite a few, but, didn't keep up for the year. So, this year I cut for RSC. And, about that time, Bonnie Hunter shared her pattern kismet of her finished fish school. I decided, I wasn't far enough along, that I couldn't switch to kismet for finishing my project. I still need many more blocks. I plan to work on that part next year for rsc 2023 ( can you believe we are nearly there?)

These blocks are trimmed to 3 1/2 inches. And, I am ready to go. I don't like stringing that small. I used a 7 inch square foundation instead, and, cut it in quarters after I de papered and pressed.

Next year, I will have to make the HSTS each month with the color of the month. Hopefully, by the end of 2023, I can assemble

I am linking to:


  1. Fun string blocks! I love the tiny size, but your idea to make them bigger and then cut into the size you need is a really good one.

  2. Great use of those small scraps, Maggie!

  3. Way to use up those strings! ~~Kathy S.

  4. Combining Kismet and the RSC sounds like a good idea. It will be beautiful.

  5. Making the larger square and cutting it down is genius. Hard to believe it's already time to decide what's on our to do lists for the next year.

  6. I really like the idea of sewing larger string blocks and then cutting them down into the smaller needed size blocks. Good job! Have a good week!

  7. That is such a great plan! And making the larger block then cutting it into quarters - genius.
