Monday, September 26, 2022

boho monday

I have had a roadblock working on this quilt. I stop and start alot. Last week, I was half way through this section 2, and, I was able to finish it in one evening. It was a great feeling. I am half way through the quilt. I have many of the blocks already done. I just have to sew the pesky vertical sections. I am doing a rainbow colored heart. There are two of us completely done, and, two of us still working on it. And I think the other friend is waiting for me to get closer, to finish hers. She is so sweet, and, doesn't want me to feel like the last man done. This is also one of my 5 quilts.

The nasturtiums are still blooming and making new seeds for next year.


  1. I understand.....I stop and start a lot too. It will be a beautiful quilt when you get it done!

  2. Very colorful! Hope you can make good progress this week.

  3. So nice of her to wait for you, very sweet. Those nasturtiums are so pretty! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  4. I love nasturtiums! When we get our garden going I'll be planting lots of them :) Your blocks are looking great, and it is good to take your time... thanks for joining in on Monday This and That! xx

  5. What a sweet friend, to wait till you catch up! That is a gorgeous quilt. Your nasturtiums are so pretty. My zinnias are making seeds to, in fact we dug up one area of the garden in August and volunteer zinnias have come up! Thank you for sharing with us at To Do Tuesday!
