Saturday, January 15, 2022

a sweet block

I am so thrilled to finally move this project from the 'maybe someday' to the wip list. I have a few string/crumb blocks made over the years by color and enough strings to add to them this year. These pieces of candy are sugar free,, so I can have as many as I want.

I also cut red strips for my go fish leader/ender challenge. Each strip will make 6 hsts or 2 sets of fish.


  1. Nice mix of sweet and salty blocks!

  2. Sugar free candy crumb blocks are cool!

  3. The red candy blocks are sure cute! I can already picture them in a rainbow of colors.

  4. The candy blocks are a great idea for crumbs! They'll be fun in every color!

  5. Hi,
    Your little candy blocks are so
    cute. Have a great day!

  6. Oh my word! So cute with the crumb slabs. Can't wait to see your sugar-free candy quilt all done!!!!!

  7. Tasty RED blocks, Maggie!! Smart thinking on doing that extra cutting at the same time.

  8. Those candies will be kind to the hips, they contain no calories. Bonnie Hunter is a great inspiration for using our fabrics creatively.

  9. These blocks are so cute! Another great use for strings!

  10. Always so fun to move project onto the active list. Love the sugar free candy block. Such a great way to put those crumb blocks to use.

  11. Oooh, love that block! That works so well in crumbs and makes a great RSC block. Glad your "someday" is now!

  12. Really pretty string/crumb blocks.

  13. What a great plan for those string units! Those candy blocks are good enough to eat. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
