Saturday, October 17, 2020

more yellow sunshine

If it were not for the yellow in my rainbow scrap challenge blocks, there would be no sunshine in Indiana these days. We have had dreary dark days already. with a twinge of cold. Hubby had to clean out the garden with the threat of frost.  I have had a cold. How do you catch a cold in this sterile world these days.?

I am moving along on my blocks for October. It's hard to think, we are almost done with the challenge for 2020. I have a small basket of ufos to work on for next year. Most of my projects will be from sorting project boxes.

Irish chain

lemon sherbet



  1. Your blocks are definitely full of sunshine today! I love the ice cream cones!

  2. Thanks for sharing your lovely burst of sunshine today! I’m a fan of lemon sherbet!

  3. Lemon sherbet! Oh my what a fun block.

  4. What a nice group of YELLOW scrappy blocks, Maggie!

  5. Lots of lovely yellow blocks here!

  6. I love those ice cream cone blocks! They make me think of summer :)

  7. You always show us such wonderful scrappy goodness! I am putting the ice cream cone block on my list for next year's RSC!

  8. Great yellow blocks. I look forward to seeing them in quilt tops soon. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  9. You're really going to town on your rainbow scraps! Great job!!
