Tuesday, October 13, 2020

to do: take it easy

 I had a chance to make easy breezy blocks, now that, the shoofly blocks are finished, Apparently, I am trying 2 sizes. The bigger one using 2 inch squares, and, the smaller one using 1 1/2 inch squares. So far, I am still using squares that I already have in my square bins. Eventually, I will have to cut from strips.

2 inch squares

oops, I see one turned wrong

more to do: finish the patriotic quilt so I can move on to my other projects.


  1. Hi Maggie! I had to giggle when you said that you apparently making two sizes. HA - I've gone down that path myself a few times. They look like fun easy blocks to make - I love some of the fabric pairings you've chosen. Thanks for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Love the Easy Breezy blocks! I haven't had a chance to make any in awhile, and I'm missing them!

  3. Hi,
    Beautiful blocks...love all the scrappy colors. Have a great day!

  4. Ooh! I did that oops on one of my Easy Breezy block too. It wasn’t a hard fix!

  5. That must be nice, to be so organized with bins of squares all ready to pick up and sew! Your blocks are looking lovely.

  6. Hi Maggie, I love easy blocks. They are usually the only ones I make since it's difficult to mess them up :-) It's going to look great! Take care.

  7. I got a smile out of your two sizes, lovely to see you taking your own cunning plan in your stride! I always admire your organised scraps. Thanks for linking to Colour & Inspiration Tuesday.
