Tuesday, October 20, 2020

to do: new project box and giveaway

 I decided it was time to sort another project box. This one was a bit confusing. I am trying to be very hard core on making decisions, but, it is very difficult for me not to finish everything I come across, or rather, to believe I will finish everything. But, reality, says otherwise. 

I have labels on the boxes to help figure out what I was planning. Still, The black elastic doesn't appear to belong to anything in the box.hmmmm

I don't remember where I bought this panel, but, I loved it. I have had it in the back of my mind for a few years, trying to find a way to turn it into a quilt.

I have collected a gaggle of fabric that I thought would go with it. My first thought was that, of course, I would keep this panel, and work on it to finish it. But, the more I thought about it, I decided it was time to move it on to someone else.

These pretty blocks are labeled granny's flower patch. I don't remember them. I don't have any pattern on my records list by that name, and, a google search hasn't found anything like these. And, they are put together rather badly. But, there are 70+ of them. I am hoping, they aren't mine, but a garage sale purchase. I spent one evening of tv watching taking the centers apart. I thought, maybe, I can put them together better. 

I found this fabric pull with a pattern. I do remember this and I liked it. I am keeping this project and putting it in a newly organized container for future sewing.

 I found bag kits with no pattern. uh oh. They were labeled by the quilt store, so, a quick google search, revealed what the pattern looks like, and, it looked familiar. The one on the left is suzies's sack. I found the pattern right away in my pattern folder. I don't know, what I was thinking, that, I didn't store it with the kit. The two on the right are- what is in your bag pattern. That took some digging, but, I did find it. I don't do these kind of projects any more. 

patterns were not with the kits

I have a hard time letting things go. I can't do everything I want to do. 

now, from the last box, I have a gift away for any one who might want it. There are enough quiltsmart panels for 9 blocks. free to good home just leave a comment.


  1. A double wedding ring quilt is on my bucket list. I would sure love to have those panels.

  2. Good for you letting projects go, we all have to do that sometime. Someday I want to make a double wedding ring but not now. Don't add me to the drawing. Happy stitching!

  3. I feel your pain at not letting go of "stuff". I'm reorganizing my projects & stash too. I just am not ready to part with any of it, yet. I've been quilting for over 40 yrs. & have the WIP'S & stash to prove it. I figure I have to live to at least 170+ yrs. to finish it all & use it all up. Oh wait.......there goes a squirrel. Must chase it. LOL

  4. Old panels are easy- use them for the backs of quilts- just add 1 or more coordinating fabrics to bring it up to the size you need. Many of my Christmas quilts have panels and other fabrics on the backs. Happy to help!

  5. Hi Maggie! I had to slightly giggle over the black elastic in the box referencing no project in the same box. Seriously, I am 100% certain I have some labeled boxes like that myself. That Spring panel just has to be made! It has such a nice saying and sweet fabrics to go with it. {{Hugs}} Good for you for tackling this big project and thanks for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Hi,
    I recently gathered up all my projects and organized them into baggies and labeled them...I did find a couple of things I had forgot about. I really like your little pinwheel blocks..hope they work out for you. Have a great day!

  7. It is hard to let go of things in the quilt room. Good for you to weed out some that no longer hold your interest. Donnie had a good idea to use the panel on the back of a quilt. I will have to remember that idea.

  8. Your post is so interesting... like looking through my ow projects but without the guilt! :D I think you are doing a fantastic job of letting go of things, better than me, and it's ok to do it stages too. I sorted my projects a year ago and have finished exactly none of them since, so you are inspiring to me.

  9. so much to do
    i love new projects to do
